The Dangers of Splenda

I’m trying to get back in shape after a dismal year with a knee injury, surgery, a thirty pound weight gain and sleep apnea issues. (Funny how one problem causes so many others in our bodies.) While I can say that my knee is finally healing and I can now sleep blissfully with the aid of a CPAP machine, losing weight is a little more difficult.

I am following a lower carb eating plan, consisting of lean proteins, no white flower, no sugar, and unprocessed foods. This plan works quite well for me, and I find I can stick with it much longer than trying to count calories, etc. It is easier for me to maintain, since I just stay away from the “bad” (highly processed) foods.

Now, let me tell you that I have been a fan of Splenda since it came out, much preferring it to sugar or the other artificial sweeteners on the market since I’d heard of health risks inherent with Aspartame and Saccharin.

Today I read information on several different websites about Splenda that has changed my mind about ingesting it at all.

Check out this site by Shane Ellison – he asserts that Splenda is poison and we are delivering it to every cell in our bodies by eating it– EEKKK!

Well, after reading this, I did a quick search on “Splenda origins” and came up with more info, both pro and con, about the safety of Splenda.  After reading up on it, including the information on Splenda’s own site, I have chosen to cut it out of my family’s diet altogether.  Splenda is made through a chemical process that may or may not be totally safe, and was actually “discovered” while scientists were working on an insecticide.

I was a Diet Pepsi junkie in high school, even though the can talked about the cancer risk in Saccharin, then moved on to the Nutrasweet stuff, and then to thinking Splenda was “safer.”   The best judge of safety, unfortunately is time.  Many people were sickened by Saccharin, aspartame seems to be almost as bad, so I choose to stay away from this chemically-altered “Franken-food” since we have no idea yet what it’s doing to our bodies!

About denisegabbard

Denise Gabbard is a professional writer, writing for Amazon, The Huffington Post, Business Insider, The San Francisco Chronicle, USA Today, and print magazine, Brunswick Life. Additionally, she is a published author and has written content for hundreds of online sites and private clients.
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